AHRN newsletter June 2024

Since our last newsletter we have held two online research seminars, made progress with our networking groups and continued worked on the program for our second Australian Hydrogen Research Conference. A plea to everyone – there is only a few days left to register for the conference at the early bird rate to achieve substantial discount.

We continue to promote the AHRN through various media – for example a link on our website points to a video that was shown at the recent World Hydrogen Summit in Amsterdam. We are grateful to colleagues within CSIRO for producing this video and assisting with other communications.

The AHRN continues to provide opportunities to bring Australian researchers together and reach out to our international colleagues. If you are an early career researcher or PhD student, you are still able to apply for research fellowships to work in overseas institutions for periods of 3 to 12 months, and further delegations of senior researchers are planned in the coming months. Announcements will soon be made on other ways of engaging and collaborating internationally, so please check our website for up-to-date information on these and other activities.

In this newsletter:

  • Next online seminars
  • AHRN working groups
  • AHRN governance
  • Australian Hydrogen Research Conference 2024
  • International Research Program
  • Call for Papers
  • Grants update
  • REN 21 Renewables Now report
  • Australian Hydrogen Events 2022/3

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Best regards,
Andrew Dicks